CSN appeals to the discerning traveler who wants to make his or her ecological footprint count by taking part in one of the most successful community conservation initiatives in Africa.
All our guests want to avoid a pre-packaged holiday and seek a real African experience. If this is a return visit, we offer a Namibia you never before experienced.
CSN offers the best of both worlds – a top class safari into a remote, spectacular part of north-west (or north-east) Namibia where you will be welcomed as guests, not merely tourists, by the community owners of the company. The experience is authentic, intimate and exclusive. Our skilled back-up team ensures there are no compromises on eco-safari standards, safety or comfort.
The company grew out of a decade of campfire discussions between three Swedish donors and two Namibian conservation NGO directors. As long-term private supporters of WWF, IRDNC and Namibia’s community-based natural resource management program, the donors experienced an insider’s view of the region and its people. CSN’ founders wanted to offer other visitors the unique experience being a conservancy guest while at the same time ensuring that meaningful social and economic benefits flow to the very people who have to bear the costs of living with wildlife.
This means CSN tours are flexible, without set itineraries. CSN responds to local situations and the only parts of the experience we guarantee is that our guests will be helping to secure a future for wildlife and its custodians; that they will take home once in a lifetime memories of awe-inspiring untamed landscapes, its wild animals and the remarkable, resourceful people who live there.